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Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Sky Watch Friday and Weekend Reflections and Shadow Shot -The Iron Horse

Today I'm posting for Sky Watch Friday, Weekend Reflections and Shadow Shot all in one. You can see the beautiful blue sky's we had yesterday and theres a little bit of a shadow peeking through near the sign on the second photo.

I've been wanting to take a picture of this Iron Horse for awhile now and never seemed to make the time to get a photo. Well, yesterday my sister and I went to get photos. This is just spectacular!

Here's the building to Yearicks Iron Horse Ranch. You can see some old cars sitting out front.

To see more participants of Sky Watch Friday go here:

Check out the other participants on Mary's blog here at Weekend Reflections

To see more participants of Shadow Shot by Harriet go here: Shadow Shot

Come back on Sunday and take a look at who needs a good home with Pet Pride and Camera Critters.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Proud iron stallion,
you prance, you dance and you shine—
O will you be mine?

Choose a sky, either sky:
Celestial café

Kim, USA said...

Beautiful!!! I think it will take sometime to made that iron horse, I so love it! Happy weekend!


Anonymous said...

Love that horse leaping into the sky.

James said...

That iron horse really is spectacular! Weekend Reflections is up so you can link this if you haven't done so already.

Sylvia K said...

How beautiful! Spectacular indeed! Great capture for the day! Have a great weekend, Barb!


Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh classic..not made in China! Fantastic subject! Love stuff like this-

Jim said...

That's a good one.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Woody said...

That's quite a horse! I've never seen anything like it.

Dimple said...

That iron horse is spectacular! I'm very glad it wasn't made in China.

Hilda said...

The sculpture is just fantastic! I love it. The entire ranch looks beautiful too and a great place to visit.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Suburban Girl said...

That iron horse is incredible. IT looks like something is engraved on the bottom of his hoof! What an interesting place.

Rune Eide said...

That is not one to meet in an angry mood :-)

Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a horse ! looks scary, lol !

jabblog said...

Wonderful sculpture! I'm glad you finally managed to get your shots :-)

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's an impressive photo of a magnificent sculpture

Clytie said...

Very impressive iron horse. Very well photographed against the sky!

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