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Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ABC Wed. - "N" = Nicely in a Row

ABC for the letter "N" for these pots that are "nicely" in a row. I took this when there was still a little bit of snow on the ground. Love all the pots. This summer they will probably be filled with flowers.

To see more ABC Wed. participants, go here: Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wed.


anthonynorth said...

There'll be a lot of flowers in them.

Amy said...

Please post a photo when the flowers are blooming ok? It will be fun to see the transformation.

Sylvia K said...

It will be lovely to see the pots filled and Amy is right, it will be fun to see the transformation! Hope your week is off to a great start, Barb!


Roger Owen Green said...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

jabblog said...

Nifty and Neat and they will be a joy in the summer - Nasturtiums? Nepeta? Nerines?

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Looking forward to seeing the summer shot! It will make a nice contrast.

Leslie: said...

I'm sure they'll look especially grand when full of summer blooms. I love collecting pots! :D

Diann said...

Can't wait to see them filled with flowers!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Neat! A

Wanda said...

Hope you will post them again when they are full of color....but they are nicely in a row...

Jama said...

Nicely done, so Neat!

Stan Ski said...

It's almost like a b&w shot - love to see it 'in colour'.

Changnoi said...

It looks so cold brr...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Do you have to put in new plants? It will be nice to see all of them with flowers.

Your N on abc is great. Yes, I tell my students, never give up.

Jay said...

I love all the pots too! So much nicer to have a number of notably different styles than numerous examples of the same kind!

Trotter said...

Hi Barb! Where did you find such a nice collection? Amazing...

Blogtrotter Two has a French party for you in Turkey... ;) Enjoy and have a great week!!

Ingrid said...

I would say a NICE idea, lol !

Anonymous said...

It will be fun to take another shot when the pots are all filled and colorful! Love the eclectic mix of styles and sizes.

Nydia said...

They will look lovely wih flowers, and you could then take another photo for us!

Sweet N post!

Kisses from Nydia.

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