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Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Camera Critters and Pet Pride - Tucker

Tucker sticking his nose thru the railing on our porch. Looking out at the neighbor's dog.

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants hosted by Gattina, click here: Pet Pride

Come Join Me! Great Giveaways!
I have teamed up with another blogger for some great giveaways. See the details on my Craft it Wednesday Blog
Join me each week with my Craft it Wednesday meme. I post a new MckLinky each week (usually on Monday), you are welcome to post anytime during that week, not just on Wed. Post a craft or a hobby on your blog and come back to add your blog link to Mcklinky to show off your creation. Sometimes there's prizes and sometimes we post our crafts/hobbies just for fun. Come over and join everyone. Meme repeats every week.

Would love to see your crafts and hobbies! Maybe someone will see something new they are interested in. Maybe you will. Who knows?


Anonymous said...

What a delightful and playful picture of Tucker!

jabblog said...

Don't you just love dogs' noses? I smile every time I see photos of them and this photo really did the trick!

Ingrid said...

What a sweet (and curious) nose, lol !

i beati said...

persistent Tucker- I might post a long borzoi nose next week right now they are chest butting in the house !!!

Suburban Girl said...

That shot is adorable!

My Other Blog - "Everyday Life's Issues"

My Other Blog - "Everyday Life's Issues"
Life's issues whether it's weight loss, decluttering, or anything else.

My "Craft it Wednesday" Meme Blog

My "Craft it Wednesday" Meme Blog
Post a craft or hobby each week on any day.