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Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes

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(All photo's are © copyrighted by the author)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ABC Wed. - "H" - Heart

My grandson made this for American Heart Association and I'm so proud to announce he won first prize!

To see more ABC Wed. participants, go here: Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wed.

Note: My computer is down right now at home, so I will get back to everyone as soon as it's up and running. Hopefully by Thursday. I'm typing this at the library right now.


Sylvia K said...

That's fantastic, Barb! Please give my congratulations to your grandson for me! And what a terrific H for the day!! Hope you're having a wonderful week!


Wanda said...

Don't you just love the artwork by our grandchildren?

Nice Poster and good for "H"

LeAnn said...

I would be proud too! I bet he had a blast making it, and we thrilled to find out that he was the winner. Such fun memories. :)

Monika said...

brilliant job i say

Tumblewords: said...

Congratulations to your grandson - this is a winner, for sure!

Roger Owen Green said...

Good job.

I relate to working it at the library; it's a lot faster than the machine at home.

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