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Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ABC Wed. "G" = Green

Lot's of green for Saint Patrick's Day. Saint Patty's day is coming in a few weeks but this past weekend was the "State Patty's Day" that Penn State students created. A lot of partying on their part. Alot of locals would like to see this stopped as there is alot of destruction on the town some years. There's a group on facebook now to end State Patty's Day.

And, let me introduce myself as one of the team members this year to ABC Wed. Denise needed help and now we have a great team put together so she doesn't have to bare the work load of running the list. For those who don't know me, my name is Barb, and I've been doing ABC Wed. now for about two years. I love having to use my brain to come up with the letter of the week. Hope everyone can join in each week. Sometimes it can be a challenge to come up with a word and photo for that week but I consider it a good challenge. Keeps your mind working. If you have time take a look at my sidebar and click on my past ABC words and photos.

To see more ABC Wed. participants, go here: Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wed.


Sylvia K said...

Ah, the time for green is on the way! The best thing about March! Great photo and post for the day! Enjoy!


Stan Ski said...

For those who celebrate - have a great St. Patrick's Day.

Tumblewords: said...

It's not so far away, now! Nice photo. It's Good of you to help Denise and the rest of the Gang to help keep up this wonderful meme!

Mara said...

I know it`s challenging. I am already worried about both the q and the z!

Joy said...

Thank you for being part of the team that challenges our brains every week. Nothing like the wearing of the green on St Pats day.

Jay said...

Plenty o' leprechaun green in there, huh? LOL!

I can well imagine the chaos those students might cause - almost worthy of a leprechaun himself!

Jama said...

That is a lot of green decorations!

Roger Owen Green said...

Hey, I picked green, too, yet St. Patrick's Day didn't get a mention.

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, of which you are a valued member, thank you!

Kate said...

Good of you to volunteer!

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