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Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Eric Effect Theme Day

Some people are calling the tilt, slant, laying down the camera on the ground, type photography The Tennin Technique. This is because alot of Eric's photos represent this kind of photography. So in honor of Eric's blog's 5th anniversary I give you the slant. To see more of Eric's photo's in Paris, go to his blog and to congratulate him on his 5th anniversary. Eric Tennin's 5th year blog anniversary.

And, in honor of my blog today I give you the Barb effect. Statue of Joe Pa looking straight up with a slant. Joe Pa is the coach for football at Penn State. How's that Eric?

1 comment:

imac said...

I too enjoy taking photos on the slant.

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