This is my brother-in-law burning some wood above his house. They were clearing out brush to build their barn for their two horses. Right now they have them boarded.
To see more ABC Wed. participants, go here: http://mrsnesbittsplace.blogspot.com/
Welcome to my blog where I try to post a photo taken somewhere in or around Bellefonte, PA each day or close to it. I also post various meme's here such as (ABC Wed., Skywatch Fri., Photo Meme's, Camera Critters, Weekend Mailbox) that I participate in each week, which are also focused in or around my town.
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Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes
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Hey :) your Bro is doing a GOOD job he, for open wood fireplace? see my ABC
LOL, seems like we had the same idea with the wood. It will be lovely when finished. We don't use the word brush in Australia so it is slightly confusing.
lots of stacks :D
Mine in here Thanks
Open air burning surprised me. Here you have to get a permit to do it or face a large fine. It used to be that people raked leaves in the fall and put them in piles and burned them but none of that is allowed now and you are not allowed to burn anything unless it is a small fire to roast hot dogs. That is permitted without getting a permit.
Cool. I luv it when I see people burning wood and brush... even though my asthma hates it but I luv the smell of it... reminds me of the Fall time! My favorite season.
That takes me right back to my childhood - we got rid of the leaves each fall by burning them. Can't do that anymore! We can't even burn with a permit. Another thing of the past. (sigh)
Thank you so much for stopping by! It's appreciated - hope to see you back.
I hope he warned the neighbours about the smoke.
It looks like he's got a big pile to burn. Luckily he's got that cement around it so nothing will catch on fire. Thanks for your nice comment during my break. It's good to be back!
It's me again Margaret. I'm back from vacation and you guessed it, back to babysitting in spite of the picture. Glad you came by for the auto-posts and left comment. Looks like a beautiful area where you live.
Fot me, it's a nostalgic photo, too, of my childhood in Penna. Thanks for visiting my site today!
I like the garden behind him - very much. ;)
My S
That's great that the horses get to come home. Everyone will be happy!
I am sure the horses will enjoy their new home. Smoke is a good "S" post.
I hope the horses like their new place! Good "S"!
My S is here
And here
Good Job! :)
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