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Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Tucker Relaxing

My dog relaxing on the couch. I know, he needs to lose a little weight. Hopefully, now that it maybe starting to get a little nicer outside, we will be going for more walks. He looks a little bigger the way he's sitting than he really is.


Janet said...

He looks like a great companion.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. He has had too many Whoppers. LOL
A reminder that you should visit my blog soon and see me wearing a blonde wig.

Anonymous said...

He ain't fat, he only haves large bones! :)

Jilly said...

I laughed at your first comment that he needs to lose a little weight and then your second one that he little bigger the way he's sitting! Ah-ha, excuses! Light food, no treats, walkies! Gorgeous dog.

Marvin said...

I think we will enjoy getting outside and walking more -- including Tucker.

Lori said...

Aw....he's so cute! He looks like a very sweet and friendly guy.

Kostas said...

He is beautiful, don't worry, the winter all the domestic animals they take weight. The spring and the summertime him they lose!

Jim Klenke said...

I always look a little bigger when I sit like that also.

Oman said...

(all together now) ahhhhhhhh, what a cute fat dog.

Neva said...

He is soo CUTE.....and that walking will shape him up....or not!!!! I have not been walking my dogs as the weather is awful and now it is muddy. I must mop the floor everyday more than once...ugh.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Tucker looks adorable! Sooo cute!

Jean M Fogle said...

I bet tucker would enjoy going to the beach, it is a great way to run off the weight!

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