Have you seen this show "Walking with dinosaurs"? I would have gotten tickets but my grandson didn't want to go. Maybe next time, if there is one. I heard it's wonderful. It takes at least a hundred or more people to put on this show. They are behind the scenes moving the real life sized dinosaurs around. I think they are putting on this show for the weekend at different times. This photo is on their 18 wheeler truck.
To read more about this show, visit here:
Oh by the way, so much for the 1-2" of snow we were suppose to get. We got 5" of snow!
Wow. That's something I would like to see myself. I got a bunch of fossils here but nothing that large.
You can see a map of where I live on my brookville blog and how I plan to spend some of my royalty check.
wow i have not heard of this looks interesting.
Haven't seen this, but I bet the children love it.
Very good the photograph, and the address in site!
This sounds a great show... I don't know about kids enjoying it but my Jane would love this...
So the Easter Egg hunt is inside for you today!! Same here! I haven't heard this advertised. Wonder if it will come this way. Happy Easter!
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