Have you seen the "Bee Movie"? It comes out on video on March 11th. This is one I'm buying to keep. My grandson loved this movie. It also has educational things in it about bees.
And, to see some wonderful bee photos and learn more about bees, go to Abe Lincoln's site here: http://brookvilledailyphoto.blogspot.com/ Just type in "bee" in search and his photos will come up with bee's.
Thanks for the link. I hope the bees come up for the folks who come over.
Thanks too for the visit.
My daughter loved that movie. Her school sent all the kids that reached their reading goals to see that movie last fall. I went with my daughters class. It was fun to sit in a packed theater with kids and hear them laugh. During the winter I made tea with honey and my daughter asked what bee's did I steal the honey from.
I haven't seen this -- looks good, though.
I haven't seen it, but I do like Jerry Seinfeld. We saw "In Bruges" and "Vantage Point" last week and today. I liked both of them, but they are not for kids. ;-)
I've not seen this but I have heard how good it is.
As for Abe's bees, well his pictures are stunning and well worth a visit.
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