Today's theme is to post a sister city of your town. Since I don’t have a sister city for Bellefonte, I decided to just choose one. I chose Allentown, PA which is about a three hour drive from me.
The lists of sister city for PA can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sister_cities_in_Pennsylvania
Here it explains about sister cities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_twinning Sister cities description and To read more about the description of how a sister city works http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sister_Cities_International
Allentown, PA is a sister city to Vinci, Italy where Leonardo da Vinci was born on 15April 1452. You can read more about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinci%2C_Italy
I decided to show you both flags of the United States and Italy.
The Italian flag
The American Flag
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Looks like a pretty restaurant..I like the stonework.
Hey Barb, This theme left some cities scrambling to come up with creative substitutes for official sister cities. I like it that you went with something in-state (Celine in Stayton, OR did the same, choosing Salem, OR). You could start a movement among the city council members to adopt a sister city. Okay, now tell me how I get Billy Joel singing "Allentown" and a craving for pasta out of my head for the rest of the day. . . :-)
Seattle Daily Photo
There are so many places that do not have a sister place, but have shown a lovely image and a chice that is special for you.
Billy Joel has ensured that most of us have heard of Allentown!
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