Here's another sunrise for Sky Watch Friday. This was taken in South Carolina at Myrtle Beach. I will get back to posting skies of Bellefonte next week.
I just got back from getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled, and will get back to all who leave comments either Saturday or Sunday. I am getting ready to put more ice on my jaw and take it easy. Be back online tomorrow.
To see more participants of Sky Watch Friday, please go to Tom's place here: http://womtig.blogspot.com/
Ouch, Take care.
What a great photo, love it.
Love the picture. Sun and water go together like nothing else. Beautiful!!
Hi Barbs
Sorry to hear about the discomfort you must be feeling...
Thanks for the lovely sunset.. it's a beauty.
Wisdom teeth are nasty things! Gorgeous deep green on the water and the stream of light is fantastic.
Lovely Sky Watch! I love 'diamonds' on the sea!
I know the feeling. I wish you the best in recovery. Pappy Nice SWF entry.
An excellent photo!!
Wow what a great photo the reflection is beautiful
If that was out my door I would get up before noon! :) Heal quickly.
If that was out my door I would get up before noon! :) Heal quickly.
Greetings from Dumfries, Virginia. What a peaceful looking beach scene. Thanks for sharing with SkyWatch! I hope you recover from your wisdom teeth pulling very quickly...I remember it took me about 3 days to get back to normal. Take care of yourself!
--Lynellen, #241 on this week's SkyWatch
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Stunning photo!
I hope you will feel better soon!
Have a nice Sunday.
Very nice sunrise. I hope recovery your dental work goes all right.
My Sky Watch Friday post is here. Hope you enjoy it.
Oh my, this should be one of their postcards - absolutely stunning.
wunderful, sun, sky, wather and nice reflection
hallo from germany
great SWF nice pic have good weekend
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