Oops! Gotta Itch! This squirrel had to stop whatever it was doing to do some scratching.
To see more of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here: http://camera-critters.blogspot.com/
Just an FYI, I'm feeling better today from getting all four wisdom teeth pulled except for some soreness on my jaw. Still a little hard to eat some things but managing. Thanks to all for the get well wishes.
Great capture! Nice of him to pose for you!
that is adorable
groming squirrel awesome sunrise too sandy
How cute! Those critters are hard to capture sitting still!
Ha ha! Great shot!
This squirrel is so cute!
Great catch!
I am glad you are feeling better!
Very cute.
Great capture, he's so cute.
Nice shot!
Don't you just love watching squirrels!
Great capture.
Hi Barb!
Sorry for the absence and the delay these last weeks, but unfortunately it wasn’t due to some summer holidays… ;))
Thanks for your comments on Blogtrotter, now at the MoMA for Art and New York lovers! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great week! I’ll try to get back here to enjoy your pictures with some more time during the week!
So squirrels itch too! This is a great picture...
Wisdom teeth out? Ouch!
Great pose!
You captured him at the crucial moment. Good shot!
When you gotta scratch. Fabulous shot, not a usual pose.
This is a very cute photo of a very cute little animal.
I hope you will "recover" quickly!
Everybody's got to scratch sometimes and occasionally we caught on camera. Looks like it feels good though. :) Pappy
Aw, he's so cute! (And he looks very limber too.) Hope you are back to normal soon and can eat real food!!!
He looks cute reaching around there.
What a cute capture! I was watching a Robin with a serious itch yesterday and finally, it looked at me with it's feathers all mussed up and it's wing sticking out straight and it glared at me like "Haven't ya ever seen someone itch before, Lady?!?!"
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