#1 Duckwings
#2 Chrome
#3 Merlin & Spot
#4 Reflection
#5 Military Honors
#6 Back to the 50's
#7 Sunset
Since I had a hard time choosing, I've narrowed it down to seven. Which, is good for me. I picked these mostly because they maybe hard to get again. I am leaving it up to you. You decide. Please Vote on the one you feel is my best of 2007. I put them in no particular order. Please vote by leaving a comment with the number of the one you liked the best. Thanks.
#1 Duck Wings
#2 Chrome
#3 Merlin & Spot
#4 Reflection
#5 Military Honors
#6 Back to the 50's
#7 Sunset
Happy New Year Everyone!
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Love the duck wings, but felt drawn to the military honors. Thus, that would be my No. 1 pick for you.
I really like 4!! I don't remember seeing it before.
I like Military Honors the best! Happy new year!
Reflecting on things, although I like them all, I'd have to say it's #4 Reflection! Happy New Year!
Definitely Military Honours - very sombre - well set up.
PS Wish i had thought of this - a vote is a great way to go!!!
My favorite photo is #6. Nostalgia rules!
My Fave is Merlin and Spot #3. Great shots. Happy New Year!
You made this hard....they are all great! :) #4 would be my personal pick.
Happy New Year!!
I think they all are great pictures for different reasons. I would have to choose #5 Military Honors. Have a great New Year.
i'll have a hard time choosing if i were you too.
i love #2, so unique...
Happy new year.
I choose the first one : duck wings.
Military Honours is my least favourite! I really adore the duck pic - photowise for me that is the best photo of the lot - but I think as representing and including something signifcant to your town - the super sunset picture would be my winner.
yes, isn't it difficult to choose. I love the bird but also think Reflection is fabulous. Probably, if pushed, I'd go for Reflection. Happy New Year to you Barb!
My vote is for #4. I love a good water reflection photo, and that definitely fits the bill. Happy new year!
I liked the duck pic the best - nicely done!
Happy New Year!
I had to choose between military honours and sunset. Eventually I'd pick Sunset.
Lovely light quality.
Have a great 2008,
Merlin and Spot is my favorite. I don't remember seeing any of them and didn't think that was a requirement. Anyway...
You are a very special person to me and I really like almost all of your photography. This is a very nice photograph as well and well-chosen for this January theme day.
Thanks for all of your visits to my blog in 2007 and I hope and pray you have excellent health and are very happy all the days of your life but especially in this new year 2008.
Happy New Year from Patty and me.
I vote for 4! Happy New year from Arradon, Bonne et heureuse année!
It is very hard to choose, all are excellent, but I'll vote for #7 sunset as it is so spectacular.
My vote is with #4 Reflections with #5 as first runner-up.
Happy New Year Barb, may 2008 bring you and your family the very best.
My vote goes for No.5. Military Honours, it more or less covers 2007.
All the best for 2008.
I wish you a very Happy New Year!
No. 7, Sunset.
It's not often that the entire sky is on fire with a sun setting as gorgeous as this. Plus, it isn't so easy to get a great picture that does it justice. I know. I've tried.
However, I love them all. Usually, I vote for animal photos.
#4 gets my vote. Happy New Year to you!
Happy new year! Tough choice to make, but I ill pick #7 sunset. It is quite the spectacular sunset, the whole sky is ablaze in orange.
une série magnifique, avec une préférence pour la photo '#4 Reflection'. Mes meilleurs voeux en cette année 2008.
A series magnificent, with a preference for the photo '# 4 Reflection'. My best wishes in the year 2008.
It is hard to select just one as a "best photo" - I had trouble too, so I went with the one that stood out most in my "photographic" memory (that's a pun). And, the butterly on the flower was the one I recalled most vividly.
I'd vote for Duck Wings - it's the most unique, and it's a cute shot. But, all seven are very nice.
Happy 2008 to you!
Happy New Year and thank you for visiting my blog. I vote for #4 - it is a nice crisp pic...
I love the reflection.
Happy new year 2008.
Wish you all the best!
Love Duck Wings :)
Have a great New Year!
Not fair! They are all great! Ok, Military honors. Happy New Year!
You'll have to choose for us I'm afraid. Whatever you choose, it will be the right choice. Bonne année de Paris et thank you for taking part in the City Daily Photo community.
Nice selection to choose from. I posted a reflection picture on my Boston site, so I choose your reflection picture. Happy New Year.
I like the reflections photo.
Hope you have a great "New Year". From West Sacramento Photo of the Day.
Reflection, reflection, reflection. That's 3 votes ;-)
Happy New Year!
#7 Sunset get's my vote.
Happy New Year.
Have a Great New Year.
Merlin & Spot #3 for sure! Great selection. Wishing you the best in 2008!
My vote goes with the duck!
Happy New Year!
I vote for #3 (the horses).
Happy New Year to you, Barb.
As soon as I saw that you were posting your "best of" the year. My mind went back to that manican woman image you took. I was hoping that that one would be in this group...and it was. So, that's my vote, "#6 Back to the 50's". I really was impressed with that shot the first time I saw it.
#2 Chrome" is a close second place ;)
Happy New Year!
Hard to decide Barb, but I think its between the chrome and the military one. they are all good.
Wishing you a great 2008 and many more fine posts.
I vote for the reflection.
Happy new year
Happy New Year, Barb!
Difficult to decide between 1 and 4. I'll go for 1.
Happy New Year!!
How clever to put it up for a vote! My pick is number 4, but I love landscape photos, especially reflections; Happy New Year!
#3 it is. But all the other are great too.
Happy New Year from the frozen winter wonderland of Minneapolis!
May 2008 bring you good health & happiness,
- Mitch
It looks like I'm the only one who thinks Chrome #2 is your best. :-) The odd woman out. Happy New Year!!!
Each is good it its own way, but aesthetically I'll choose Military Honors - most interesting photograph!
Happy New Year to you and yours and here's to a wonderful 2008 for the Daily City Photo Blog community.
Jenny, Sharon (CT, USA) Daily Photo
But-but-but, you're cheating! You make us do all the work, lol!
If pressed, my vote would go to "#3 Merlin & Spot". They seem like good people.
A Happy New Year from New York City! May 2008 bring you satisfaction and happiness.
Awesome choice!
Happy New Years to you and yours in 2008!
Twin Cities Daily Photo
it really is difficult to chose just one, i'll cast my vote on #5
happy new year
Definitely Reflection !
Happy new year 2008 and long life to your blog !
I'm late to the party, but of these, I'd pick "Back to the 50s".
I like them all, but that one looks like old-school street photography to me, plus it has the added bonus that for the first couple of seconds looking at it, the girl with the food tray (Kim) looks real. I love surprises like that in photos.
How funny. I just left a comment on Photos from Prescott about a duck, too!
Great shot!
I look forward to visiting your blog more often this 2008. And you're welcome to mine, too! For some reason, my link was not included in the participating blogs for the 1st of January 2008 theme day. Sorry I wasn't able to visit your blog sooner. I was in transit the whole of yesterday. I am now back in Norwich after the most fantabulous time at home in Manila.
Happy New Year to you and everyone you hold dear!
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Your Love Coach
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