It is bitter cold here today, down to 9 degrees and windchill around 0 degrees. We made this snowman in front of our house a few weeks ago, but I had posted other things. He has golf ball eyes, a carrot nose and sticks for arms and mouth.
I know some of you want to see inside The Old Oak Tavern. Not sure if I will go inside or not, but will try sometime if I can.
I love this one... such fun making them..
I always ask... may I copy this to my hard drive for my collection please.
Tom, You welcome to do so.
Burrr! That's cold. Great snowman.
Nice one, seems you all had fun building him.
If you cant get into the Tavern, send a pint out,lol.
Hi Mr. Snowman. Did you sweep the sidewalk?
It is very cold here as well....-7 when I woke up this morning. Nice snowman!+
I so love snowman -especially this one - sweet!!!
Ain't he a beauty?
He is a cutie. It is ok if you cant go inside the Old Oak Tavern. We are thankful for the photos that you share with us. :)
Great snowman. My kids are outside right now attempting to make one.
Nine degrees?!
Thank you Lord, for my good job in Florida.
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