My Other Blogs...

My Other Blog/s...

Project 365/Life (Everyday photos) Barb's Bite Sized Notes

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(All photo's are © copyrighted by the author)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Flowers: A Sign of Summer

Hi Everyone, How's your weather? It's seems like it's either extremely hot here or raining. I'm finally trying to get back to my blog. So to get me started, here's a photo of some flowers in my backyard. I'm in the mood right now to plant more shrubs and flowers. Hope you enjoy them.

And...If you're wondering about the Stubby post below, he has still not been found. There is also another dog named Gypsy who is also missing. Both phone numbers can be found on the site from the Stubby post. If you see either dog, please call the owners with those numbers. Thanks.

My Other Blog - "Everyday Life's Issues"

My Other Blog - "Everyday Life's Issues"
Life's issues whether it's weight loss, decluttering, or anything else.

My "Craft it Wednesday" Meme Blog

My "Craft it Wednesday" Meme Blog
Post a craft or hobby each week on any day.