I haven't seen all of the theme day posts today, but my four favorites at the time I am posting this are:
St. Louis http://saintlouismodailyphoto.blogspot.com/
Oslo http://oslodailyphoto.blogspot.com/
Kajang Malaysia http://malaysiadailyphoto.blogspot.com/
Jakarta http://jakartadailyphoto.com/
Other City Daily Bloggers participating in theme day...
Shanghai, China - Mumbai, India - New York City (NY), USA - Manila, Philippines - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Hamburg, Germany - Stayton (OR), USA - Los Angeles (CA), USA - Hyde, UK - Oslo, Norway - Brookville (OH), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Stavanger, Norway - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Joplin (MO), USA - Singapore, Singapore - Selma (AL), USA - Cleveland (OH), USA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Chandler (AZ), USA - Stockholm, Sweden - Seattle (WA), USA - Boston (MA), USA - Arradon, France - Evry, France - Baton Rouge (LA), USA - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Boston (MA), USA - Grenoble, France - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Greenville (SC), USA - Hilo (HI), USA - Nelson, New Zealand - La Antigua, Guatemala - Brisbane (QLD), Australia - Singapore, Singapore - Tel Aviv, Israel - Hong Kong, China - Sequim (WA), USA - Paderborn, Germany - Saarbrücken, Germany - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Tenerife, Spain - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Sydney, Australia - Naples (FL), USA - Cologne (NRW), Germany - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - Ocean Township (NJ), USA - Mainz, Germany - Toruń, Poland - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Singapore, Singapore - North Bay (ON), Canada - Jakarta, Indonesia - Montréal (QC), Canada - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Baziège, France - San Diego (CA), USA - Prague, Czech Republic - Ampang (Selangor), Malaysia - New York (NY), USA - Kajang (Selangor), Malaysia - Sharon (CT), USA - Newcastle (NSW), Australia - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Nottingham, UK - Villigen, Switzerland - Chicago (IL), USA - Torquay, UK - Brussels, Belgium - San Diego (CA), USA - Mexico (DF), Mexico - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Cape Town, South Africa - Paris, France - Seoul, Korea - Manila, Philippines - Milano, Italy - Austin (TX), USA - Chennai, India - Madrid, Spain - Seoul, South Korea - Wailea (HI), USA - Toronto (ON), Canada - Ajaccio, France - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Zurich, Switzerland - Sydney, Australia - Budapest, Hungary - Moscow, Russia - Auckland, New Zealand - Torino, Italy
Hehe! You shot is really funny! I love this car...and the smaller one is so cute! Good idea and thanks for your visit today!
Maraï from Brisbane
What a great photo for today's theme! I love minis (they are becoming very popular here in Boston), and this one is just so cool. Love the mini-mini too :).
We have the same thought, I posted a car too :)
Happy theme day!
Love the mini car in front of the other. Nice theme shot.
Clever. Wouldn't be staged by any chance now would it? :=)Have a happy Sunday!
Kate, I didn't stage it but the people who entered their car in the cruise put it there.
that's a neat looking photo.
cute photo!
Great! So funny. That's an British number plate, isn't it? So I'm confused as to where this was taken?
Love it. I too posted a red car on Monte Carlo DP.
What's better than a red minnie? 2!! love this photo
Funny photo--good one!
Wonderful original photo.. !!! ^^ Congratulations..
A mini-me for the mini! Good take on the theme.
two cars for the price of one
Cute picture!! A wonderful shot for this Theme Day~!
A giant Mini and a miniature of it. :) Brilliant!!
Nice photograph for today's theme day.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
this is soooo mini! cool!
ohh its so funny:) very cute..both versions!
LOVE the tiny red one.
I love this Mini (the real one)
Do you think the big one is going to eat the small one? You must have been happy to shot this!
Double our pleasure - double our fun!
Bonne idee, la famille voiture rouge, bravo
Good idea, the family conveys red, cheer
A Mini, and a mini Mini! Adorable!
A mini and a miniling. Very interesting.
I hacked the "virtual porch" today on New Orleans Daily Photo
wonderfull picture....love that small car hehe
Great catch! The little car "makes" this shot for me!
Great picture; and I like it even more because I just decided this week that my next car is going to be a Mini Cooper! Now to pick a colour - red looks nice...
Maybe there should have been a mini, mini Mini, next to the mini, Mini, next to the real Mini. Even better if it was a proper Mini, instead of the BMW impostor.
Great idea though.
I am saving my money to get one of those Morris' car, just wonderful small car.
I have one of them sitting outside my door - Chili Red/White but no roof flag.
Thanks for all the visits and the great comments.
Totally awesome. The cute little car is adorable.
I have laughed at several theme day photos today and yours was one. I like a post which makes me laugh.
Nice & funny photo
I am so glad for your visit and thank you very much for your commentaries.
I hope I have the opportunity to show, in person, the wonders of Mexico city.
Nice shot! It tickled my funny bone!
A great red shot!! Loved your ice cream shot too. I'm going to look at your other vacation photos too. I'd love to visit San Francisco some day!
Very cool shot! :o)
This is a really cool shot. I'd like to happen on something like this.
It's like the real mini spit out a baby! Great shot.
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