Today is theme day, looking out the bedroom window. This isn't looking out my window but what someone else would see from their's. I went up to a neighborhood that's sit's on a hill in Bellefonte and this is what they would see.
Here's the photo I was trying to decide on. Figured I should just post today. This was a scene looking out my window Saturday, May 26th. The neighbors tree was struck by lightning and it split. They have it cleaned up now, it was six days ago.
If you want to see more of today's theme, here is someother city daily bloggers who are participating.
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The shot is nice.
Wouldn't it be different if you woke up in my house and looked out the bedroom window? My site shows what you would see.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
My Photography
Thanks for going up so high to get us this picture.
Out of curiousity, what do you see out of your bedroom window? :-)
Happy Theme Day!
Here was Beetle's comment to the tree photo.
Beetle said...
Oohh...lucky the cute little house not being smacked down by the tree
I've seen once a tree crashed down on a car caused by lightning..lucky no one inside but once on news boys played football in a field got hitted by lightning and other boys who watched the fun raining football coincidently filmed it with his cellphone
June 1, 2007 6:45 AM
Sorry, I was going to post the view from Bellefonte or the tree and couldn't decide. Since Keropok Man asked about my view, figured I just post today. Sorry if you see one photo or the other and was confused. Thanks for visiting.
It must have been quite alarming when the tree was hit by lightning. Were you home to see or hear it?
Z, I was trying to take a good photo of the heavy rain when I heard that huge crack. We heard boom really loud thunder and then a crack. I didn't know that tree was down till a little later when the storm let up a bit. We weren't surprised that something was hit but was surprised it was so close. I think the neighbors were home at the time but it didn't hit their house, although it was very close.
You are generous, giving us two window scenes to think about. That fallen tree - what a thud that must have created!
That's a lovely view! I can see the building that used to be the old hospital in Bellefonte. That's where I was born! It's a good thing the lightning didn't hit your house (or your neighbor's). Have a good weekend!
No damage on the house and nobody hurt, it's the most important but it's sad for this tree...
Nice shot on top, it's so flat here that I love to see folks shots of hills.
Lightning is a fearsome thing. Glad only a tree was hurt.
Wow, I'm glad to hear no homes or people were hurt. That must have been quite a BOOM! Great shots of both the hillside view and the tree.
Perhaps it was a Flash Gordon's accident ;)
Happy DP Theme day !
I would like to have such a view from my bedroom.
Please find my new blog about Château-Gontier city.
thank you for your comment about the view from my bedroom.
Visit my blog
Just for you I have putted a picture from my Kitchen.
Good visit and good weekend too.
Wow, the spirited tree? It must be a one of those surprising show!
Thank you for your comment about the view from your Kitchen...following the view from your bedroom.'re wrong about my favorite favorite flower is my wife....yes ...and this for more than 17 years.
Good Week End
Lovely views...beautifully captured shots!
Your neighbor has quite a spectacular view of the town.
As for the other photo, thank goodness the tree didn't damage the house or the car.
Lighting is so powerful and so unpredictible. M that must have frightened the owners.
Love the first photo!
Looks that the fallen tree is a pinus tree. I am glad to know that fortunately nobody was hurt!
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