A ceramic wall at the corner in Huntingdon. It's about an hour drive from Bellefonte, but when I seen it, I had to use this for theme day. Alot of work had to go into this. Double click to enlarge. You can see the details better that way.
Added Note: I emailed the Huntingdon Historical Society to find out exactly what this mural means. Here's what they had to say;
"The mural on the wall in Huntingdon was sponsored by the Arts Council and created by an artist from Philadelphia. Each of the earthen medallions is representative of part of the heritage of Huntingdon. They read from right to left.
Fossils surrounded by green tile, marble chips and designed into a giant nautilus. Fossils were used in the creation of the mosaic.
The Standing stone, surrounded by circles of green tile representing nature and its importance to American life and Native American Culture.
Blair Building, representing Huntingdon Industry, and a pair of hands represents the workers of Huntingdon who created the built environment. The diamond shape of the plaque represents the diamond in down-town Huntingdon – once the town square.
RR and canal, representing transportation corridors.
local craftspeople, surrounded by local pottery shards.
Underlying the mural is a band of blue marbles, glass and mirrors that represent the Juniata River and its contributories."
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a very intriquing shot - even after enlargement I wasn't quite sure about what it was all meant to be - curious!
It is beautiful! Must have taken a lot of work to do all of that.
Very original "blue" theme!
I like the 'mural'.
Norwich Daily Photo
Interesting, I guess I've never been on this street.
Love the mural, perfect for the blue theme today! Thanks for sharing such a cool landmark.
Not a lot of time to double click on photos today but your's is one which deserves a close-up look.
Must have taken ages.
That's a lovely mosaic...
That must have taken a lot of work to create. I love mosaics. A very good photo for the blue theme!
Great looking mosaic! I'd love to see it in more detail. Do you have a larger image (larger than the one you've already linked to)?
love your photo
Nice one Barb.
I like this, the thought and the work was a fitting tribute to the area.
Gorgeous! Did they mention how long it took to complete?
great to get that extra information
Lovely wall.. and nice choice for theme day photo! :)
What a great mural...thanks for the information on it....very nice....
Interesting contrast to the ordeinary background
Interesting information and a good blue theme.
That is a nice mosaic, and thanks for looking up the info!
I liked it. Well done.
Thanks for the update. Very interesting.
Another one of these 'theme day' entries. This time, I've seen them on 'blue.' Still wondering where one finds out about such 'theme days' before they happen?
I love the look of mosaics. That one is really great looking, and it's cool you went through the trouble to find out what it meant. Great photo and detective work.
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