I almost forgot and posted my photo of the court house below, so now am posting my breakfast. Mine is usually the same every morning except once in awhile. I usually have yogurt, coffee and the newspaper.
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Loved to see your breakfast! Quite similar to mine, except for the coffee; just the yogurt...
Yogurt is good anytime. I eat mine between bacon and eggs for breakfast and lunch. It helps me a lot. Yogurt.
I haven't bothered with newspapers for years - they usually give me indegestion.
This looks very cosy indeed. Love the paper.
le journal, tres important dans le petit dejeuner, pas de petit dejeuner chez moi sans le journal "L'EQUIPE".
the newspaper, very important in the breakfast, not of breakfast at home without the newspaper “L'EQUIPE”.
Newspapers and coffee go together,don't they? Nice photo.
Just the basics, huh? I've enjoyed seeing newspapers in some of the pics today, even though for me that was a ritual saved for Sundays.
Newspapers are essential for me, too.
Nice composition, with the newspaper on the bottom.
Let's hope today's news does not spoil the appetite ;-)
Looks like a comforting way to start the day!
Like Gerald, I try and avoid the news early in the morning. later in the day is better for me.
This coffee mug has the world "chocolate" on it. That'd make me want to eat it!
Healthy way to start the day. Nice photo.
I like how you have the paper in the photo, great idea.
Port Angeles Daily Photo
I have not had yogurt in a long time. looks yummy!
a good summary of a breakfast : coffee and newspaper (even if I take it after the "real" breakfast)
This used to be my work breakfast when I commuted into a big city very early. Brings back memories. Lovely photo!
Yogurt and cafediem. Haut cuisine.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
I should do this kind of breakfast more often. I already to the coffee and newspaper part of it. I normally have yogurt at night.
very nice composition with the newspaper!
So healthy! I agree with Gerald about the newspaper causing indigestion, LOL! Anyway, I check all the news online. The stack of paper from a daily subscription becomes staggering and we get paper pick-up only 4x a year.
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